Sunday 27 November 2022

Reinforcements for Nacho Wars


Got my latest batch of 'Mark's Little Soldiers' from Copplestone Miniatures. Here we see a patrol of the Policia do Estado looking for chocolate smugglers in one of the narrow passes of the Salsa Mountains.

The Neuvo Rico police are dressed in blue uniforms with black leatherwork belts, they are only lightly armed with rifles and sub-machine guns. I haven't got much done this last week or so as I've been painting figures for other people and various 'real life' issues have got in the way, however I hope to get some more of these done and onto the table soon.

Sunday 20 November 2022

A new development in Toieland.


There has been new building work in Toieland, a new cottage has been erected and the locals are not happy! "Next thing it will be those new bungyloos !" says Awld Jethro to farmer Gabriel Oaks and for once his wife is lost for words!

The proud owner is the distinguished author Mr. H.G. Wells, here with a lady that is DEFINATELY not Mrs. Wells showing his property off to Mr. John Buchan a close friend and fellow writer. "It's just the place I need to finish off my latest book 'Small Battles'* in peace" he says.

A futuristic aerial shot of the property; a substantial building made of 3mm MDF which is designed to be decorated as a Christmas themed present holder. Bought rather cheaply from eBay but is ideal for my 54mm collection. 

* working title - the Lady who is DEFINATELY not Mrs. Wells favours  "Little Wars" as a better one, H.G. dismisses this - "what do girls know about Toy Soldiers!"



Saturday 12 November 2022

Felpersham Rifle Volunteers.

Taking advantage of the unseasonal weather I took the newly painted 54mm Rifle Volunteers out into the garden for a photo shoot. Here we see them going through their drill being watched by some literary notables.

Why its H.G. Wells, a lady who is definitely NOT Mrs. Wells and Mr. Kipling who are taking the afternoon air. I'm pleased how these figures have turned out and the repair of the rifle using a shaped cocktail stick looks okay and is not noticeable. (Click on the photo to enlarge - taken with a new camera app. and my tripod)


Monday 7 November 2022

Next up for painting.

I have slowly been amassing these figures and have finally got the last two to make a viable unit foe 'A     Gentleman's War' . I was going to strip the figures but have no Dettol at the moment to clean them so I will just undercoat them. I have enough red coated infantry so these will be Rifle Volunteers. Annoyingly one of the figures has a damaged rifle so I will have to repair it with a cocktail stick. 

Having just watched a video on how to take better photos of models I have bought a tripod that will hold my camera phone so hopefully (fingers crossed) my photos will improve. My wife obligingly took a picture of my setup of the above photo.


Friday 4 November 2022

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Air warfare over the Salsa Valley.

Nacho Wars goes into the realms of the air!  Here we see the Neuvo Rico air ace Wilheim Von Richthofen (the famous Red Baron's cousin) diving out of the clouds on an unsuspecting Republican plane.

I picked up a couple of diecast planes from Ebay, this Italian Ansaldo now sporting the roundels of the Republic del los Cocos. 

And this German Aviatik now with the Nuevo Rician markings. I scraped off the old stickers and photocopied new markings which were stuck onto the wings, I then cut off the propellers and added clear discs to represent the spinning props. 

I drilled a hole in the underside of the models for the stand, which is a bamboo skewer drilled into three MDF bases glued together suitably painted in a reverse ground perspective. 

The finished product, I wanted diecast planes for the 'toy soldier' look also durability, I don't think plastic kits will survive long in the rough and tumble of Nacho Wars.

Here is the Republican Ansaldo Fighter piloted by a chap called Bigglesworth. I've no rules worked out for air-ground or air-air combat yet, but they must be simple D6 ones.