Saturday 9 September 2023

Take the 'High Ground' SYW 2D Campaign.


This is the second battle in my 'Snakes & Ladders' Campaign with the Austrians attacking . Their objectives is the high ground - marked on the map , the Austrians are to the left of the picture and the Prussians to the far side and right.

I diced for the command abilities and the Austrians got a pair of 'Dithering' Brigadiers - Oh Dear ! . then things got worse - the Brigadier on the left was killed by the first shot of the Prussian Artillery , that means his replacement gets a -1 on dice throws from now on .

Things did not go all the Prussian way though - one of their Battalions was forced back due to the Austrian Artillery and the rest of the Brigade had to retire to cover the gap in the line which could have been exploited by the enemy cavalry.

The Austrian left advanced very hesitantly and took casualties from the Prussian artillery which when combined withe the initial Infantry volley - broke the right hand Battalion.

Things started to go downhill for the Austrians one of their Cavalry units which was 'dithering' in front of the Prussians broke and ran as they where trying to bring up the Artillery.

Then the Austrian CinC was killed - the Prussians played one of their 'Fortune' cards so he risked being hit on a 10,11, or 12 - Oh Dear ! 

Without the encouragement of the CinC the Austrian Army failed it's motivation rolls and started to fall back ! - a victory for the Prussians ! . We must now see how this affects the Campaign with the Austrians have to miss a turn as the Prussians get to draw another 'Fortune card .


  1. The Prussians rebound: the figures may be flats, but the campaign, with its dithering commanders and turns of fate, is certainly coming up in full 3D!

    1. The poor Austrian command system doomed their attack , and a couple of unlucky Officer kills made it even worse.

  2. "Dithering" is never a good descriptor for commanders Tony! Wonderful game though, and your table really looks great! Well done!

    1. Thank you for the kind words , yes 'dithering' was an accurate description this game .
