Friday 16 August 2024

Fifty shades of grey (and blue)


I have got started with my new project , I already had a couple of units painted up already. I am just painting the bases very generically with no unit specific uniforms - so the Confederats are in various shades of grey/butternut . (GRR ! I've just noticed the standard of this unit has got bent ! - I hate it when this happens - and EVEN more so when I take a photo of them and not notice it !)

A generic Union Regiment - without a bent standard . There are four Infantry units per side , so I will be cracking through these pretty fast I think.

There are two guns and crew per side all in plastic - here's the first Confederate one .

And here is the Union one . I do like glueing together the plastic Perry figures - takes me back to making  model aircraft many years ago. 

Here is a better view of the two Commanding Generals . I'm enjoying getting these two forces together and will post any further development next week.



  1. Looking good Tony…
    All the best. Aly

  2. Cracking along at a grand pace, this project will be on the table in no time!! Looking really good.

    1. Thank you , yes they are easy figures to paint , very basic uniforms .

  3. They all look great Tony! Your painting skills are excellent and you do it so very quickly! I can't wait to see the whole set!

    1. Thank you for the kind comments, I've always enjoyed painting ACW figures, so I'm getting through these quickly.

  4. Wonderful looking soldiers.and photography.
