Friday 16 February 2024

Col. Logge saves the day .

The Patiogonian Indians spring the trap to soon ! (Army Blue had a run of cards and got carried away !),The allied Indians move forward and open a devistating fire on them ! 

Alerted by the gunfire Col. Logge moves up the regulars in the column.

The Gurkahs move up to take the ridge .

The Allied Indians slaughter their opposition and cause the remnants to flee.

Bothe the Gurkhas and the Indians rush up the ridge !

The Gurkhas reach the summit first and open fire on the Patiogonian Indians , who run off ! , 

The final Warband of enemy Indians are shot to pieces by the combind fire from the Allied tribesmen and the detachment of the Rifles. - at this point the Patiogonian Indians decide to quit the field .

The end game - Logge directs the fire of the Rifles into the fleeing enemies . At this point it became apparent that the battle was lost and the ambush had failed - due to the draw of the cards and the good shooting of Army Red - and the inability of Army Blue to gain the initiative. In Logge's report he takes the credit for the results of the skirmish . An unusual game , poor Army Blue never got going and couldn't hit a barn door ! 

I have been luck enough to be sent a copy of the above photograph from the librarian of the University of Felpersham . Both H.G. Wells and Kipling mention in their memories about meeting Lincoln Logge - Kipling said "he is a very strange fellow indeed" and there was a rumour that Logge corresponded with Wells with ideas for 'Little Wars' - Lincoln Logge seems to have a finger in every pie !



  1. Wonderful battle Tony! Colonel Logge proved his leadership abilities today, or he was just lucky! I love the final picture! That rogue Wells always seems to have a new lady friend by his side!

    1. Luck played a big part I think , HG love life is complecated.

  2. Colonel Logge! Is he a tactical genius or is he the most lucky man alive, the jury is out on that one! A good win for Army Red.

  3. Hi Tony- are your figures 40mm ? Very nice.

    1. No these are 54mm some home cast , some old original hollowcasts, I do also have collections of 40mm

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks,an odd rather one sided game but fun to play.

  5. A rum run of cards for the indigenous folk--probably not the first time they were sharped at the cards table.

  6. Alas, sometimes it takes more than looking good!

  7. Splendid stuff indeed…
    Heroic and lucky seems to be a grand combination…

    All the best. Aly
