Friday 5 January 2024

Grrrrr !

 So the Internet is down at the moment,  I've tried doing bloggy things with my phone, but having short stubby fingers makes it almost impossible to add photos et and  I loose things and can't find them on my phone! , normal service will hopefully be resumed soon.....


  1. Hmm- always frustrating when we're without Internet...I had to go seven days without Internet due to a Storm and Lightning Strike which knocked out everything- all good now. Cheers. KEV.

  2. It's okay Tony! Take a deep breath and count to ten. Then take Charlie for a walk if it's not raining! By then, hopefully, the Internet will be back up!

    1. Yes deep breathing exercises needed, especially when speaking to the Internet provider (sic)

  3. Taking a break from the interwebs can be refreshing, but not so much when it's a barrier to blogging. I share your pain: I am a PC/Desktop user; my phone may be "smart" but I still use it mainly and only as a phone (and text device given the way of the world).

    1. I find it difficult to do photos and things on my phone , which may be 'smarter' than me.

  4. Happy New Year! Hope you get things repaired. I only have my phone now, which is probably why I don't blog much but use Instagram instead:(

    1. I do like my table top computer and find my phone to fiddly and frustrating. A good New Year to you as well.
