Friday 4 August 2023

Almannia Expeditionary Force (AEF) on parade.


I've been waiting for the weather to pick up so I could photo the completed army . As summer has returned briefly today I took the opportunity to line up the toys up .

A modest force of 3 Infantry units and a gun and limber for use with 'A Gentleman's War' 

Karl von Bismark and his Aide de Campe Major Rupert Hentzau inspecting the troops which will be apperaing on the tabletop soon.

Never work with animals and children they say - these two did not help the situation ! , Hodge the cat demanding attention whilst getting in shot and Charlie looking for the opportunity to steal and run off with figures - when denied this he started digging a hole in the garden ! . By the time things where sorted the sun had moved round and I was in shadow ! .(click on photos to enlarge)



  1. Great pics Tony - particularly the one of Hodge

    1. First sunshine for a couple of weeks , Hodge can be very fussy at times.

  2. Your troops look wonderful in the sunshine Tony! Hodge looks just like our family cat, Watson! He wants attention at all times and usually gets it!

    1. Thank you , think he was curious about what was going on .

  3. Extremely well painted 54mm Tony - they've come up great- will be nice for you to have a game soon with the newly painted Army.

    1. Thanks I'm pleased how they have turned out and I hope to have them on the table soon.

  4. Just splendid! There is no other word that fits them better.

    1. Thank you , the sun shining on the the gloss varnish helps !
