Monday 9 October 2023

Oh No !, not ANOTHER project !

 It's all well and good me doing these various 'Wofun 2D projects' - BUT it doesn't involve me having anything to paint ! and painting figures is such a large proportion of my hobby. To this end I started casting about for some figures to paint , now I have unpainted figures in the 'corner of shame' under the wargaming table - but  none I wanted to paint ! - this is starting to sound like I'm making excuses and building up a case for buying more Toy Soldiers !. *

Whatever project it was to be had to have limits and a set of rules that I like to play with them .I've always liked the idea of the Wars of the Roses - or The Cousin's War as it was called at the time - but the battles are a bit boring, one side runs at the other - one side runs away and is slaughtered - there might be more to it than that - but you know what I mean. Then I saw an article about using 'Lion Rampant' for the WOTRS , the advantage of 'Lion Rampant' is the games are short, fun AND you don't need many figures ! plus it has about 12 interesting scenarios..

An obvious choice for figures would be the Perry Miniatures plastics, in the rule book it suggests a force of 1 unit of Men at Arms (6 figures) , 2 units of Bowmen (24 figures) and 1 unit of Billmen (12 figures) - very doable ! - So I ordered 2 boxes of the above - interestingly they where cheapest straight from the Perrys. 

To add some variety to the forces I also ordered their box of Mercenaries , which will allow to to add / mix and match some Crossbowmen , Handgunners and Pikemen . 

I sat back rather pleased with myself - then I realised -I was short on armoured Men at Arms - the Bills and Bows box only has 4 each - BLAST ! I needed 12 ! - however I looked on eBay and managed to pick up one of their armoured Men at Arms sprue so saving the day . So I'm looking forward to starting this project, I aim to keep the core units small and add on Mercenaries to get some variety . - watch this space !

* it is !


  1. Our group has been quite taken with the "rampant" series (Lion Rampant and Pikeman's Lament in particular) for similar reasons. A noble start, sir!

    1. Yes I like the whole series, they give a great game without any fuss

  2. Nice to start a new project and you are of to a great start on this one. Quite fancied doing a WotR or 100YW but I have never yet been tempted. Looking forward to seeing how your project progresses.

  3. I'm so glad that you have a new project Tony, and that you got a good deal on your figures! New figures and a new time period usually add up to a lot of enthusiastic enjoyment!

    1. I always think the most important thing is the rules and I do like Lion Rampant.
