Tuesday 3 October 2023

Mr and Mrs Walker take a holiday -part 2


We popped in to Beverly to have a look around the 15th century Minster - a fine looking building .

The only problem was we had to go inside singularly as the other dog sat outside - Charlie moaned the whole time - he doesn't like us being separated whilst on holiday, plus he has no regard for Medieval architecture .

We were lucky enough to see the Gaia exhibition which as been doing the rounds all over the UK .

We also visited the Humber Bridge , when it was opened in 1981 it was the longest single span bridge in the world - it's now the 20th !

Mr and Mrs Walker view the bridge - even Mrs W was impressed !

The only military aspect of the holiday was coming across this pillbox on a golf course near Flamburgh Head 

Side view with dog for scale - a good holiday overall !


  1. Impressing Mrs. Walker is a special day indeed Tony! Wonderful sights again, and a pillbox to boot! You are really having a great holiday! Enjoy!

    1. I've never visited the Humber Bridge , even though it's only the 20th in long bridges it's still impressive.

  2. Always nice to see some top notch architecture, the minster is very impressive, the skill of the craftsmen from days gone by always has me in total awe of them.

    1. Yes something we has lost the skill and time for , how many modern buildings will last as long ?

  3. Very enjoyable post - thanks for this. I'm alarmed to think the Humber Bridge has shrunk to 20th biggest in about 40 years - is this what happens when we leave bridges out in the rain? I think we need to know more about this...
