Saturday 12 November 2022

Felpersham Rifle Volunteers.

Taking advantage of the unseasonal weather I took the newly painted 54mm Rifle Volunteers out into the garden for a photo shoot. Here we see them going through their drill being watched by some literary notables.

Why its H.G. Wells, a lady who is definitely NOT Mrs. Wells and Mr. Kipling who are taking the afternoon air. I'm pleased how these figures have turned out and the repair of the rifle using a shaped cocktail stick looks okay and is not noticeable. (Click on the photo to enlarge - taken with a new camera app. and my tripod)



  1. A fine body of men. Well done.

  2. They have turned out really well, great choice of uniforms, I love the civilians as well, top notch al round!

  3. A fine body of volunteers indeed. As for Madam, if found in such company, I'd keep a eye on her for sure.

  4. The Rifle Volunteers look very dashing, I am sure the presence of She who is definitely Not Mrs Wells incentivised them to even greater efforts to impress!

    1. Think there will be chests stuck out and moustaches twirled.

  5. A very smart looking unit Tony, excellent choice of uniform! Well done indeed!

  6. Nifty looking blokes! Fashionable civilians!

  7. Nice work here on your new 54mm troops- the repaint certainly turned out well. Your new camera takes a well colored photo.

    1. Thankyou I think the quality of the photo is improved.

  8. I think 'all Sir Garnet' is the phrase I'm looking for - very smart! The repair is pretty hard to spot as well, it took me some time to find it and judging from the heated debate among the civilians they can't agree on which it is...

    1. Thanks, I pleased with the repair work and am glad it's hard to spot.

  9. Replies
    1. They are indeed, can't wait to get them on the table.
