Sunday 20 November 2022

A new development in Toieland.


There has been new building work in Toieland, a new cottage has been erected and the locals are not happy! "Next thing it will be those new bungyloos !" says Awld Jethro to farmer Gabriel Oaks and for once his wife is lost for words!

The proud owner is the distinguished author Mr. H.G. Wells, here with a lady that is DEFINATELY not Mrs. Wells showing his property off to Mr. John Buchan a close friend and fellow writer. "It's just the place I need to finish off my latest book 'Small Battles'* in peace" he says.

A futuristic aerial shot of the property; a substantial building made of 3mm MDF which is designed to be decorated as a Christmas themed present holder. Bought rather cheaply from eBay but is ideal for my 54mm collection. 

* working title - the Lady who is DEFINATELY not Mrs. Wells favours  "Little Wars" as a better one, H.G. dismisses this - "what do girls know about Toy Soldiers!"




  1. Excellent looking building Tony! It looks quite substantial and perfectly scaled to 54mm figures! Great find!

  2. A very good find, it looks the part and works well with the 54mm figures. There are some cracking finds out there for us wargamers, I always have my "wargamers eyes" open when out shopping with the better half!

    1. Yes, you have to look in some unlikely place for the goodies

  3. I do like the cut of TLWIDNMW's jib (the Lady who is DEFINATELY not Mrs. Wells, in case you were wondering...!) I am not surprised the great man finds her company so engaging!
