Sunday 2 September 2018

The Lure Of Old School. (Part 2)

As usual with these battles I get carried away with the action and forget to take photos , so the course of this battle is a bit disjointed . Here we see the 20th Foote reaching the crest of the hill and pouring fire down onto the French - but receiving casualties in turn .

The Uhlans charge the Prussian Hussars but are broken and rout back . (they rolled double 1's - bad news in any set of rules) General Camembert fails to  rally them ! .

The situation after the cavalry melee, the centre of the French force is broken and is of great concern to General Camembert .

The gap means the left company of the Orleans has to swing round to cover the open flank.

On the extreme right flank the French Artillery fails to cause any serious casualties on the advancing Brunswickers .

They charge and capture the field piece ! (don't leave your artillery unsupported). Due to circumstances I had to stop the battle there , but it was starting to look like an Allied victory , the French hold the village and the Regt. Du Roi is holding it's own against the British foot , but the Allies can exploit the broken centre . Another interesting battle , the French were a bit unlucky with their initial set up and perhaps would have been better acting more defensively .


  1. What a wonderful way to come into consciousness: a large mug of early morning coffee and these photographs of your game. Marvelous! It's going to be a good day.

    Best Regards,


  2. These are some of your loveliest toys, Tony. Simply gorgeous.

    1. All my home-cast except the Regt.Orleans which was gifted to me , some of my favourite figures .

  3. Outstanding! Enjoy your old school games very much.

    1. Thanks , I enjoy these rules because I can remember them without looking at the rulebook to much .
