Tuesday, 15 December 2015

A Case of Auto-Suggestion ?.

This morning my 'Toy Soldier Collector' magazine arrived in the post - It's the only mag I subscribe too nowadays - I rarely bother with the wargaming magazines . I then took the dog for a walk and this magazine had started me thinking about my 54mm project which has languished recently , by the time I'd returned home I was all fired up to cast a few figures  and start expanding my collection .

I'm expanding each of my units by 3 figures increasing them to 15 per unit . Here are the 3 figures for my 'Red' army .Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers . The 'Toy Soldier' moulds from Prince August are I think some of their older ones and are I find difficult to fit together - needing lashings of 'Green Stuff' modelling putty .

These additional figures will be another infantryman , a Sergeant and being a Light Infantry unit a Bugler rather than the more usual Standard Bearer . Here they are glued together, the gaps filled with 'Green Stuff' and based up. I've given the Bugler a instrument from the Irregular range of bits and pieces , They will need a bit of tidying up tomorrow - a bit of filing  of the filler etc and then a spray undercoat . I'll report back when I start painting them .


  1. Lovely work. I've started taking an interest in the 1/32 scale "Traditional Toy Soldier" range. Precious little time to do anything with them sadly, but they are very nice. I have four Irish Guards and plan to add a few more.

    Do you have any further plans for your Prussians?

    I was thinking with a head swap, that pose would do very well for 1880s Egyptians.

    1. Yes army 'Black' will be getting reinforcements as well, Irregular do a multitude of different heads and equipment, Tony

  2. Just peeking at the magazine cover, Maiwand? Surely they mean Laing's Nek?! There are days when I miss a new Toy Soldier magazine but it was just too much temptation and frustration at lack of funds when there would be a Dorest article or one on vintage toys. ( I'm more of an old Britain's style than the newer toy soldier look)

    Anyway I'm sure these lads will be a credit to their regiment once properly uniformed and trained up.

    1. I must admit I'm not keen on the matt finish favoured by modern firms preferring the old gloss finish . 'Toy Soldiers' are VERY expensive nowadays hence the home casting , Tony

  3. Excellent start Tony to increasing the numbers in your Red and Black Armies- nothing like a bit of casting to spur you on...do like the figures and look forward to them painted up in Toy-like fashion...and outdoor photos. KEV.

    1. Hmm ! the weather will have to improve greatly before any outdoor photographs - our back garden looks like the Somme after about 2 weeks of rain , Tony

  4. Toy soldiers are the way forward I increasingly think. Nostalgia and lashings of it i say. Great casts by the way.

    1. Thank you , the older I get the more nostalgic I get about my wargaming , Tony

  5. Nice to see this project resurfacing. I must check out the magazine.... the current wargames offering just leave me cold. It would be nice if there was an old school wargames mag on the market.

    1. I haven't purchased a wargaming magazine in over 6 months and not really missed them , Tony
