Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Fruits Of My Labours .

I've been battling on with my re-basing of my Indian Mutiny figures and have got enough done for a game . Here we see a British attack on a Mutineer held village .

Mutinous Sepoys and guns man a wall .

The attacking British force - Artillery battery nearest the camera then loyal Madras Sepoys , Highlanders and Royal Horse Artillery . The alongside the officers are a home made markers to signify their Staff Rating .

The British C in C's command base - unnamed as yet - I hope he is aware that the regiment behind him looks like it is about to open fire !.

The Indian Commander watches as a regiment of Sepoys moves up into position . There is always the temptation (which I have resisted up till now) to dip into the local Indian restaurant take away menu for names of Indian generals and villages ie the village of Rogan Josh etc . Unfortunately my camera battery ran out of power so I was unable to record the actual battle , which was a narrow win for the British. Getting these figures onto the table has spurred me on to get the rest of the collection re-based .


  1. They look wonderful, sir. I look forward to more photos in the future.

    By the way, I always change my re-chargeable batteries just before a game. I also (very important) add the following to the "end of turn" in the list of game sequence . . . TAKE PHOTOS . . . but sadly while it helps I still often forget . . . *sigh*.

    -- Jeff

    1. I'm very bad at taking 'in action' photos during a game - I get carried away with the excitement !, Tony

  2. Nice layout and interesting looking game. Too bad about the camera batteries. Is this project using Foundry 25mm figures?

    1. Yes they are mainly the old Foundry 25mm figures from the Indian Mutiny and Sikh Wars ranges , there is the odd Dixon figure as well , Tony

  3. Splendid game...the misery of re-basing paid off.

  4. They look absolutely fantastic. I look forward to seeing more mutiny games. Well done.
