Monday 17 June 2024

Lord Byron /Bygon in a greater stature.


You may have noticed on my 'what I'm reading now ' a biography of  Lord Byron,  a fascinating chap , one of the first "media personalities " (along with Nelson  ?) , now I have a model of him in 40mm who graces my tabletop now and again aiding the struggle for the Hellenyk Republic,  and I thought how about  in 54mm  ? .

I searched about and found this figure of a Montenegron infantryman on the Irregular Miniatures site . I ordered it with another head (Ian kindly sent me another alternative head as well) , here we see it just prior the decapitation of the original head. 

Having cut the old head off I carefully drilled a hole into the neck and glued in the new one 

This is the reference picture I'm using of Lord Byron in Albanian dress. 

I've added a turban (?) to his head which will need a bit more work to it when the Milliput has set (knowing when to stop fiddling with the modelling putty is the secret I think) and I will be giving him a sword as well . There will be an update soon I hope. 






  1. The 42mm Lord Bygon figure is wonderful Tony, thanks mainly to your excellent paint job! I can't wait to see how your 54mm version turns out! Your reference picture makes the Lord look quite dashing, and ready for anything!

  2. 54mm conversion looks very promising: bigger is better, after all!

    1. Needs a bit more fiddling with , but we are getting there.

  3. I only remember Lord Byron very vaguely, but his fez seems familiar.

  4. Great work Tony - he really looks the part

  5. Looking good Tony…
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, looking forward to seeing how he turns out.

  6. Intrigued to see how he turns out although I always liked your Irregular Bygon , hope you don't put his nose out of joint, these poetic types can be quite touchy.
