Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Bridge on the River Qwhy (part2)

The feared Dag Tufekcileri man the redoubt protecting the bridge .

The first Sublime Porte reinforcements arrive, a unit of Bashi Bazooks .

The Albanians and the Garibaldi Volunteers clash at close quarters , as the Bashi Bazooks charge the other unit of volunteers - and fail their moral check and rout (classed as 'nervous' under AGW).

The unit of 'Black Hands' cross the river to attack the other end of the bridge .

Morris Oxford and Stavros take cover in the copse protected by the Riflemen and await a chance to dash and place the 'Infernal Device' .

The Albanians are driven back across the bridge as the 'Black Hands' attack the redoubt .

Ceasing the moment Oxford and his servant dash to the bridge and place the charge (an ace was drawn allowing him to move twice) .

Just as things were looking good for the Hellenyk forces , the Sublime Porte received more reinforcements a unit of Lancers and some Infantry . Part 3 to follow soon …….

Hugo practises chilling .


  1. What a fantastic game.... looks brilliant too. Cool cat btw. I have been hearing cats can get this virus too, so not sure what to do with ours. We can't really keep them in.

    1. Think the cats thing is a bit alarmist , the RSPCA say that if you have the virus you should not handle your cats or let them out in case somebody else touches them , however in a rural setting this is unlikely and the likelihood of passing it on must be tiny . There's no evidence that cats or dogs can catch it - but don't eat bats ! :)

  2. Great game Tony (The Great Game?)!
    Hugo looks a bit stressed.

  3. Rip roaring stuff Tony...
    And a lovely looking game.

    All the best. Aly
