The 'Dare to Die' unit discover the body in the cabin !
And are attacked by the Russians - who they promptly slaughter - almost to a man !
The Mongolians spotted the Russian Commander all alone and charged him - he had to flee off the table and didn't return for the game ! (horse bolted !?) , not good leaeership at all !
Things get worse for the Russians the Cossacks find it hard to rally (absence of the General did not help !) and flee the table !
In the centre the Russians charge into the village to try and capture the centeral objective .
The Officer unit trys to help but are caught in a crossfire and are whittled down to below 50% and have to retreat .
TheMongolian cavalry drive the White infantry back and the infantry is driven out of the village - things are not looking good for the Whites !
The Chinese Warlord Fung Shui enters the Temple and comes across the Buddhist Monk . That is all three objectives controlled by the Chinese forces .
With the Commander absent , the enemy holding all three objectives and having lost half it's units the Russians retreat off the table - a resounding victory for the Warlord Fung Shui , what this means will become apparent in the next episode !