Friday 3 May 2024

The Treborian British Legione - an aside .

 The origins of the British Legione (Britanska legija) , an aside after their recent tabletop behaviour 

Thursday, 21 April 2011

The British Legione

British Legione inspected by Archduke Albert
The Treborian High Command has decided to raise a Auxiliary force to help fight Ferraro Rocca . They have recruited a Legion of British ex servicemen . Unfortunately the quality of some of the recruits lack some of the more soldiery qualities , the Quartermasters department got a good deal on some ex British uniforms - sadly these are somewhat out of date (about 50 years) (no wonder they were cheap !). It remains to see how these brave chaps will fare against the enemy . The Archduke Albert was overheard to comment 'I hope they frighten the enemy - because they certainly  perturb me !' .

And now back to the battle ...........


  1. Great bit of background to the battle Tony!

  2. A very interesting new wrinkle for the battle Tony! This only adds to my anticipation for the next installment. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  3. Nice background, I now see how they are not exactly the finest troops after the debacle in the previous post, hopefully they will bounce back!

  4. So more a Walmington-on-Sea platoon than a crack unit of Guardsmen.

  5. Hard to beat 40mm and A Gentleman's War! Keep getting tempted to add some of the Irregular range to my Little Britons.

    1. The figures and the rules complement each other.
