Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Dabbling !

Back from the hols only to find problems with the Internet/phone system (oh ! the temptation to smash inanimate objects to smithereens !) and back to painting . I have lots to do but felt the need to dabble in a couple of periods which have been dormant for a while rather than something worthy . The above are Warrior Monks from 'Warlord' in 28mm for my 'Test Of Honour' project which scratched my itch for something fancy in 28mm .

The next is to start the Hessian Leib-Regiment in 10mm from 'Kallistra' for my AWI collection , this is more worthy as they have been undercoated and awaiting paint for over six month , ah ! the life of a 'wargaming butterfly' . Just noticed that both sets of figures need their bases finishing . Hopefully I will get back to a semblance of order in my painting schedule in a week or so.


  1. Tony- your AWI troops in 10mm look very good- a nice paint job- your a brave man painting up 10mm...certainly a challenge. Are you doing complete Armies in 10mm for AWI? Cheers. KEV.

    1. Yes I have to be in the mood to do 10mm , I do have Americans and British more or less finished - I much prefer 28mm and bigger to paint .

  2. Excellent brushwork on both units!

  3. Tony, as always your productivity appals me. Lovely work though - those Japanese gentlemen in particular.

  4. I enjoy painting , but am such a butterfly hoping from subject to subject.

  5. Just found the 10mm photo, I really like what you have done there. I would like to do Kallistra AWI next year (this year is their 1066 range) and have taken note of your painting style.
