Thursday, 4 May 2017

Have Battle Will Travel.

So I have succumbed to the latest offering from the Perry's as have about half the wargaming community . Here we see 'A' hiding behind the box .

The battlefield laid out with opposing armies. I drybrushed the boards and painted in the roads , fields and buildings .

I painted the figures whilst they were still on the sprue , just blocking in the main colours giving them a wash of brown ink and then picked out the faces, crossbelts and the more prominent features . I did not take to long or put much effort into them as being only 8mm figures a lot of the detail is lost.

Here 'A' ponders his next move . The rules are simple but have hidden depths and nuances which only become apparent when you start playing.

My forces (Red Army) await the attack of 'A's Blue Army - finger added for scale.

We played two games (I lost both) and quickly picked up the rules , which have similarities to DBA in their opposed dice rolls . Movement is one square for infantry/artillery , cavalry two  and plus one square on roads.

Here is a 'Brigade' of my army, bases have to be adjacent to each other and the General to move. Built up areas aid defence and infantry can go into 'square' to defend against cavalry . Troop types are Guard infantry, infantry, artillery, heavy cavalry and light cavalry .

The basic scenario is simply defeat the opposing army , but in our second battle we devised a scenario to hold a number of central squares over six moves and I think you could play 'Table Top Teasers' using this box . Overall I'm impressed with the game - it does what it says on the box and is ideal for the casual 'pick up' game and I will be definitely taking it on holiday with me .


  1. Its every where! Looks like you've gotten your money's worth already though.

    Its a darned good thing that I am accustomed to not having the latest thing!

  2. Boards look great with a coat of paint. Nice set up.

    1. It is a well thought out game , very clever , Tony

  3. Good to see that you have the Travel Game completely up and running- the Napoleonic figures have come up a treat with a stirling job of painting. Very good value- that your having fun with the Perry twins concept. Cheers. KEV.

    1. The figures only took a couple of painting sessions, a very interesting game,well thought out ,Tony

  4. looking at the closeups, it kind of reminds me of pictures I've seen of the Sebourne Waterloo diorama.

  5. The figures are a bit generic , Tony
