Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The 1st Battalion Azovsky Regiment.

Well returning refreshed from my holidays I've got the first Russian unit done for my Crimean project .

I have had to take the photos of them outside due to the fitting of a new shower in the bathroom (were I usually take my photos) , not sure this has been a total success .

The figures are Stretlets 1/72nd figures and being in grey greatcoats paint up quickly. I had two attempts at painting the plastic flag - which at arms length will pass as okay.

The Battalion has 32 figures in it and will count as a 'large' unit under the 'Black Powder' rules .

Here the unit deploys in Company columns - three up and one in reserve , Stretlets selling point is that they have forty eight different poses in each box this has it's advantages and disadvantages , with several of the figures being a bit 'naff' !.

Stretlets come into quite a lot of criticism on 'The Plastic Soldier' review site but I find they have a certain character to them . Starting another Turkish unit next .


  1. Very good painting, and the pictures are nice and bright.

    1. Yes going to have to do more practising outdoors I think,Tony

  2. Great looking figures! I have much the same opinion of Strelets figs myself: iffy anatomy, but chock full of character.

    1. Ye I like them but they do have the 'odd' unusable figure now and again , Tony

  3. A credit to the service. Could you drop me a line? I can't find your email anywhere.

  4. Very nice indeed- nothing better than getting into the swing of things- great progress!

  5. Replies
    1. I've given them a matt coat over the high gloss varnish to see how it works , Tony

  6. I confes that I don't like the look of Strelitz figures, until they are painted and come alive.

    The Russian mass looks good.

    1. They do vary, the cavalry tends to be better than the infantry, Tony
