Monday, 20 May 2024

Toy soldiers in art No.17


Found on the 'Military toys of our childhood ' Facebook page .The figures are I presume 54mm plastic,  the photo is from Vintage Ideal Toys Co. and is from their "Battle Action" line from December 1965 . I think the company must be an American one as I've never heard of it before. 


  1. It would have been heaven to have that set up as a child! Not a company I have come across either.

  2. Ideal went all in on toy soldiers for one Christmas season Tony! It was called "Battle Action" because each set had a unique action. Bridges exploded, snipers popped up and down, jets took off into the air, trees fell over, and all without batteries! They all worked by pull-cord gears! Check out the 1965 commercial on You Tube, it's great!


  4. Reminds me of the adverts on the back of American comics (re-prints of Marvel comics from the 60s I seem to remember). Exciting looking set-ups all for very little cost (in dollars). Expect the postage to the UK would have seemed astronomical in those days.

    1. I remember those , you had to write your address with a zip code and I never at the time knew what a zip code was (pre UK postcode)

  5. Given the date, I was a contemporary of the boy in that picture (from the black and white era: scary to think of it). I had nothing near so grand a set of toy soldiers, though, and our household was a modest one, so the purchase of such a grand toy set would not have been in the cards. But it's grand to look back at them from the current perspective: thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes I was collecting cheap 20mm Airfix plastic figures at this time - nothing quite as grand as these.
