Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Reserection .

Well apart from causing a mild disturbance of my wife - "what the hell is that !",  I left the figure soaking in the Dettol overnight and this morning I cleaned him up with an old toothbrush under a running tap - and was duly impressed !


The cleaned figure - nice and shinny and a big hole in the the horse's withers (?) . I think the original figure was a hollow cast Life Guard but I'm going to make him into a mounted Prussian/German Officer .

The finished figure , holes filled up with 'green stuff' and a Irregular Miniatures Picklehaube head added,  these figures are meant to be freestanding but I've added a base for stability . Will give him an undercoat when the filler is dry and post a photo when he is painted and varnished .


  1. Worked a treat, just like new!
    Regards, James

  2. Nice job Tony. I've used Dettol for removing paint from plastic figures but I haven't tried it for metal ones - good to know it works!

    1. In 50 years of gaming I've never tried removing paint , very pleased it was a success .

  3. Good going there Tony- the Detol worked a treat- certainly like to see the results when the Officer and his Mount are painted. Regards. KEV.

    1. Yes very pleased with the results - now to get him painted .

  4. Nice figure, I always use bleach to strip enamel paint but did learn early on not to use the wife's toothbrush to clean the castings off...
