Thursday, 11 August 2016

The Allied Advance From Varna.

The Allies have landed at Varna on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and decided to send a reconnoitring force to capture the bridge on the Voivodino road so that they can raise the Russian siege of Silistra . With half the troops still on board the transports and the first appearance of Cholera a scratch force is dispatched under General Brown . The force comprises of 4th Light Dragoons and the 17th Lancers from the British Light Brigade , the 93rd Foot (Highlanders) , a half battalion of the Rifle Brigade , a battery of R.A. and two battalions of Turks .

An overview of the scene of the action , showing the Voivodino road and the bridge which is the Allied objective . The Russian Cavalry Brigade comprising of the 12th Ingermanland Landski Hussars , a battery of Horse Artillery and a unit of Don Cossacks are to be seen to the right of the river . The Allies will appear on the road in the upper left hand corner . I used 'Google Earth ' to get an idea of the country around Varna and making allowances for modern agriculture you get the impression of rolling stepes with tree lined streams .

The British commander General Sir George Brown (Command ability 6) takes up position over looking the bridge .

General George Paget (Command ability 7) and the light cavalry moves down the road towards the bridge .

The Russian Horse Artillery is supported by the Don Cossacks with the Hussars in reserve . The Brigade is commanded by General Ryzhov (Command ability 6).

The Russian C in C  Prince Menshikov (Command ability 6) establishes himself at the village of Valchi Doi and awaits the Russian Infantry reinforcements . Too be continued .......


  1. Damn your eyes Tony - you move fast from painting table to gaming table.

    Looking forward to this.

    1. Must admit I’ve been concentrating on painting these to the detrement of other things (including house work and DIY), Tony

  2. Nice to see your Crimean boys on the table...

  3. Getting to play with them will hopefully encourage me to paint more , Tony

  4. Glad to read that your priorities are straight.

    Its looking good so far. I'm looking forward to reading about the game.

    1. Nice to get figures onto the table that have been a long time painting, Tony

  5. You have been very busy with lots of very nice Cavalry and Command. Look forward to the forthcoming Scenario playing out. KEV.

    1. Nothing like getting figures on the table to encourage the painting of more ! , Tony
