Ivo Tailebois's force moves onto the table heading for the opposite corner .
Brother Cadfael has decided to be escorted by a unit of Foot Serjeants - being less volatile that the Mounted Men at Arms .
The locals look on with interest !.
Richard De Montfitchet's retinue moves to intercept the messenger.
The quick moving Mounted Serjeants try to cut the escape route .
Ivo's force moves down the road -
-but a unit of Men at Arms lag behind - they are hard to control under 'Lion Rampant'.
Ivo's Men at Arms impulsively charge a unit of Serjeants .
After a close combat they rout them ! .
To fulfil his boast Richard De Montfitchet challenges Ivo Tailebois to combat - which was inconclusive - but having carried out his boast he gets a 'Glory' point.
The javelin armed Yeomen move to stop a unit of Serjeants .
After a brief clash and a volley of javelins the Serjeants rout !
Ivo and his Men at Arms spontaneously charge Richard De Montfitchet and his Serjeants .
Things go very wrong for Ivo and his men rout and he is forced to flee the field ! .
The situation is looking grim for the messenger and his escort , the archers guarding the rear are charged and finally scattered by a flanking force of mounted Serjeants . The other unit of Men at Arms finally move up in support , but it's to late .
Richard De Montfitchet's Geonese crossbowmen move up into range and proceed to kill off the mounted Men at Arms - who failing their morale test - flee ! - leaving Brother Cadfael and his escort alone .
Taking casualties from the crossbowmen and failing their moral test they scatter into the woods taking the terrified Brother Cadfael with them ! . So a victory to Richard De Montfitchet and his forces, he gets 5 'Glory' points for winning the scenario and another one for carrying out his boast . Total so far Richard De Montfitchet = 6 - Ivo Tailebois =0. The next scenario is to be 'A Taxing Afternoon'.